DevOps Fundamentals

DevOps training is the starting point for an organization going on the DevOps journey. Improved workflows and faster deployment starts with a core understanding of DevOps fundamental concepts by anyone involved in an agile and/or DevOps team.

Varighet: 2 dager: kl. 09:00-17:00

Pris: 15500 inkl. kursmateriell og eksamen

Kurskategori: Smidig

Kurset undervises på norsk, kursmateriell og eksamen er på engelsk.

The DASA DevOps Fundamentals is the first step in progressing through the DASA qualification scheme. It provides an extensive introduction to the core Agile DevOps principles covering the essential knowledge and skill competences that have been defined by the DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA).

The DevOps Fundamentals qualification is designed to provide the core education necessary to build your DevOps vocabulary and to understand its principles and practices. With the help of key DevOps concepts and terminology, real- life case studies, examples and interactive group discussions and extensive exercises in each module you will acquire a fundamental understanding of DevOps.

Bouvet is a DASA Training Partner 

The DevOps Fundamentals qualification is primarily aimed at:

• Individuals involved in IT development, IT operations, or IT service management

• Individuals whose role are touched by DevOps and continuous delivery, such as the following IT roles:

-  DevOps engineers

-  Product owners

-  Integration specialists

- Operations managers

-  Incident and change managers

- System administrators

-  Network administrators

- Business managers

- Automation architects

-Enterprise architects

Basic familiarity with Agile, Scrum, Lean, and ITSM principles is beneficial.

When you have acquired the required knowledge from this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the drivers responsible for the emergence of DevOps
  • Define and discuss the key concepts and principles of DevOps
  • List and explain the business benefits of DevOps and continuous delivery
  • Know how teams can translate DevOps principles into tangible practices
  • Learn about modern operations in a DevOps context
  • Explain the concepts of test automation, infrastructure automation, and build and deployment automation.
  • Describe how DevOps relates to Lean and Agile methodologies
  • Get insight into the various organizational DevOps models
  • Identify how Cloud and Delivery pipeline automation optimize and accelerate the ways of working
  • Discuss the critical success factors for DevOps transformation

A classification widely used when designing assessments for certification and education is Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. This classifies learning objectives into six ascending learning levels, each defining a higher degree of competencies and skills. (Bloom et al, 1956, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives). This structured approach helps to ensure:

  • A clear delineation in learning level content between different qualification levels
  • Learning outcomes are documented consistently across different areas of the guidance
  • Exam questions and papers are consistent and are created to a similar level of difficulty.

ITpreneurs DASA training programs prepare for the official DASA DevOps certifications – exam voucher included. The exam is not a part of the 2 days training, but can be done separately after the training.

Jeg vil bare si at jeg ble veldig positivt overrasket over innholdet i kurset! Og at Sten Otto var en utrolig god formidler - lun, dyktig og god på å løfte stemningen når stoffet ble seigt. Han hadde flere metoder for å gjøre dette: Kahoot, Kanban, passe mengder med pauser. Jeg er veldig fornøyd :-)


Sten Otto Johnsen har arbeidet med programvare utvikling og ledelse i 30 år. I de siste 15 har han hatt et sterkt fokus på smidig tilnærming i leveranser og har blant annet deltatt og assistert på Agile Coach Camps. Han har utviklet og gjennomført flere kurs som kursholder og Agile Coach på oppdrag fra våre kunder. Samtidig har han for å opprettholde sin tekniske ekspertise hatt både arkitekt- og utviklingsoppgaver. Han har også utviklet rammeverk for testautomatisering. I hans nåværende oppdrag er Sten utvikler og Scrum Master i ett stort DevOps miljø.

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Nina Alfstad Sæther
Produktansvarlig kurs