SM250 IT Service Management Configuration

Dager: 5

Pris: 43.900

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: Solution Manager

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Course version: 020

Course announcements
This course will give you an introduction in the SAP Solution Manager and its architecture. It continues with the explanation of IT Service Management and the integration in other phases of the Application Lifecycle Management. In the course the several main processes of IT Service Management are explained and demonstrated. The course ends with an introduction in the various customizing options to adopt the processes to customer needs.

Describe the idea of Application Lifecycle Management and how IT Service Management is integrated in this process
Explain the standard IT Service Management Processes offered by SAP Solution Manager
Configure the SAP standard processes for IT Service Management
Outline how to customize the IT Service Management processes according to your needs.
Understand the new functionalitites offered with SAP Solution Manager 7.2

System Administrator
Technology Consultant
IT Service Helpdesk


SM100 - SAP Solution Manager Configuration and Operations
CR100 - CRM Customizing Fundamentals

Course based on software release
SAP Solution Manager 7.2 SP3

Solution Manager Concept
- Explaining the Benefits of SAP Solution Manager
- Describing the SAP Solution Manager Architecture

IT Service Management Overview
- Describing ITSM and ALM
- Describing ITSM Processes: Service Request, Incident, Problem and Knowledge Article
- Describing Latest Innovations - New functions with Solution Manager 7.2

Basic Setup
- Understanding Technical Prerequisites
- Configuring ITSM Prerequisites
- Basic ITSM Configuration

Master Data
- Explaining the Business Partner Concept
- Creating Business Partners
- Maintaining Organizational Model
- Managing the Installed Base

The Work Environment: Using the CRM Web Client UI & Solution Manager Launchpad
- Explaining the Available Business Roles in IT Service Management
- Accessing the WebClient UI
- Accessing the Solution Manager Launchpad
- Describing the WebClient UI - New Functionalities
- Personalizing the Work Environment

Service Catalog and Service Request Management
- Explain the concept of Service Request Management and Service Request Fulfillment
- Introducing the Service Catalogue
- Requesting a Service
- Processing a Service

Incident & Problem Management Process
- Outlining the ITIL Best Practice Process
- Creating Incidents
- Processing Incidents
- Processing Problems

Knowledge Management Process
- Establishing a Full text search in SAP Solution Manager
- Creating Knowledge Articles

IT Service Management Customizing I
- Explaining the Meaning of Transaction Types
- Customizing the CRM Service Transaction

ITSM Administration
- Explaining the Multi-Level-Categorization
- Describing the Organizational Model
- Understand Partner Determination

IT Service Management Customizing II
- Explaining the Enhanced Customizing Options
- Describing the Mailforms & Notification Framework
- Configuring the Business Role
- Enhancements of the User Interfaces
- Describing the Widgets
- Explaining the Service Level Agreements & Processing Times

- Monitoring the ITSM Tickets
- Describing the ITSM BW Reporting

Service Asset & Configuration management
- Overview: Service Asset and Configuration management
- Overview: IT Infrastructure Management

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
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