UX400 Developing UIs with SAPUI5

Klasserom situasjon Bouvet Kurs

Dager: 5

Pris: 43.900

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: SAP User Experience & Fiori

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!

Course version 020

Course announcements
This course is designed to give participants foundational knowledge and experience with SAPUI5. The course will begin with an introduction to SAP’s UX Strategy, then move on to fundamental and complex SAPUI5 topics. It is assumed that learners are already familiar with web technologies such as HTML, and JavaScript. Topics include: SAP Web IDE, loading and initializing SAPUI5, managing SAPUI5 dependencies, using views and controllers, and layout controls and fragments, implementing models, data binding, and localization, consuming OData services, implementing components and developing a worklist app.

There will be hands-on exercises performed during the course to gain experience with the SAPUI5 topics covered in the course. This course is a pre-requisite course for more advanced courses on SAPUI5 and SAP Fiori development.

This course will prepare you to:

  • Describe SAP's UX Strategy
  • Describe SAPUI5
  • Use the SAP Web IDE
  • Load and initialize SAPUI5
  • Manage SAPUI5 dependencies
  • Use views and controllers
  • Use layout controls
  • Use fragments
  • Implement models and data binding
  • Implement localization
  • Consume OData services
  • Implement components
  • Develop a worklist app

Developer Consultant

UX399 or equivalent knowledge


Course based on software release
SAPUI5 1.60


  • SAP's UX Strategy
  • SAPUI5 Overview
  • SAP Web IDE
  • Loading and Initializing SAPUI5
  • Dependency Management
  • Views and Controllers
  • Layout Controls
  • Fragments
  • Models and Data Binding
  • Localization
  • OData Models
  • Component Implementation
  • Worklist App Development

The course is also suitable for participants who are using a SAPUI5 version other than 1.60.

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
Produktansvarlig kurs