This course provides delta knowledge relevant for learners who are familiar with the SAP Business Suite/SAP ERP and want to up-skill to SAP S/4HANA. It is the recommended entry point to the SAP S/4HANA curriculum to understand the basics that are required to know before continuing the learning path to specific areas of interest.
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Course announcements
This course provides knowledge relevant for learners who are familiar with the SAP Business Suite/SAP ERP and want to up-skill to SAP S/4HANA. It is the recommended entry point to the SAP S/4HANA curriculum to understand the basics that are required to know before continuing the learning path to specific areas of interest. This course covers a broad range of topics including the motivation for the development of SAP S/4HANA, the new user experience, embedded analytics, underlying SAP HANA technology, and business solution coverage.
This course will prepare you to:
This course is the recommended entry point to the SAP S/4HANA curriculum for SAP Business Suite professionals/learners with SAP Business Suite/ERP background. For learners without previous SAP experience, the S4H00 "SAP S/4HANA Overview" course is recommended.
Finner du ikke det helt optimale kurset eller kombinasjonen av kurs? Da ordner vi det - sammen. Vi kan tilrettelegge kurs slik at de inneholder akkurat det dere har behov for. Vi kan sette opp et helt nytt kurs, eller tilpasse eksisterende kurs og materiell. Flere medarbeidere kan selvfølgelig også samles til et eget felles kurs, for maksimal effektivitet. Ta kontakt med meg for et forslag til gjennomføring og et tilbud basert på deres behov.