S4600 Business Processes in SAP S/4HANA Sales

In this course, you will learn about the fundamental business processes in SAP S/4HANA Sales. In addition, you will learn how to perform the most important functions in the sales process chain, from presales to customer payment, in the SAP S/4HANA system. The areas of materials management, manufacturing (make-to-order process), and financial accounting from the perspective of sales are also touched on.

Dager: 4

Pris: 35.120

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: Logistics

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!

Course version 009

This course will prepare you to:

  • Navigate in SAP S/4HANA using the SAP Fiori Launchpad
  • Maintain master data for sales processes
  • Execute sales processes
  • Describe features that are relevant during the process (e.g. availability check)
  • Handle customer complaints
  • Utilize reporting functions in sales

Application Consultant
Business Process Owner / Team Lead / Power User
Program / Project Manager

Basic business knowledge of processes in sales


Course based on software release
SAP S/4HANA 1709 FP01


  • Navigation with SAP Fiori
    - Identifying Key Features of SAP Fiori
  • Enterprise Structures
    - Identifying Enterprise Structures in SAP S/4HANA Sales
  • Overview of Sales Processes
    - Executing SAP S/4HANA Sales Processes
    - Processing Sales Documents
    - Processing Outbound Deliveries
    - Shipping Goods
    - Processing Billing Documents
  • Master Data
    - Maintaining Business Partner Master Data
    - Maintaining Material Master Data
    - Maintaining Customer-Material Info Records
    - Maintaining Condition Master Data for Pricing
    - Explaining Additional Master Data Topics
  • Automatic Data Determination and Scheduling
    - Analyzing the Results of Automatic Data Determination
    - Analyzing the Results of Delivery and Transportation Scheduling
  • Availability Check
    - Performing an Availability Check - Basics
    - Performing an Availability Check - Further Topics
  • Collective Processing
    - Executing Collective Processing
  • Additional Processes in Sales
    - Using Presales Documents
    - Executing Make-to-Order Production
    - Selling Service Products
  • Complaints Processing
    - Creating Credit Memo Requests
    - Cancelling Billing Documents
    - Creating Returns
  • Monitoring and Sales Analytics
    - Utilizing the Sales Order Fulfilment Monitor
    - Using Analytical Apps

The course covers the functions in sales processing in SAP S/4HANA. It does not examine company-specific requirements in Customizing.
This course is mostly suitable for participants who do not know the sales processes in SAP ERP. For those who already know the sales processes in SAP ERP, the delta training S4SD1 is more applicable.

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
Produktansvarlig kurs