HR050 Business Processes in Human Capital Management

This course provides detailed examples of typical HR business processes and how they integrate with other applications. It is essential learning for all future configuration training.

Dager: 5

Pris: 43.900

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: Human Capital Management

You will gain an understanding of SAP ERP Human Capital Management functionality and be able to outline the major functional areas.
You will be able to explain HCM Structures including Personnel and Organizational as well as HCM Business Processes.
At the end of this course, you will be able to explain HCM processes and the integration within HCM and other solutions. At the end of the course, participants will understand HCM functionality and the integration available.
You will gain this knowledge through lecture, demonstrations and the completion of exercises.

SAP Basics
- Logging On to the SAP System
- Navigating SAP Menus
- Finding Help

Structures in Human Capital Management
- Analyzing HCM Structures
- Enhancing the Organizational Structure
- Using the Organization and Staffing Interface
- Reporting on Existing Positions

Personnel Administration
- Maintaining Employee Information
- Executing Personnel Actions
- Maintaining Employee Data Using SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC)

Employee Benefits
- Enrolling an Employee in Benefits
- Generating Benefit Reports

Time Management
- Outlining Time Management Basics
- Recording Time Data
- Evaluating Time Data
- Using Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)

Introduction to Payroll
- Processing Payroll

SAP E-Recruiting
- Recruiting New Employees
- Applying for a Vacant Position
- Determining Information in the Talent Warehouse
- Determining Reporting Options Available for SAP E-Recruiting

Personnel Development
- Maintaining the Qualification Catalog
- Creating Profiles
- Executing Profile Match-ups

HR Renewal
- Outlining HR Renewal Functionality
- Accessing HR Renewal Landing Pages

SAP Learning and Development
- Maintaining Training Events
- Enrolling Employees in Training Events
- Outlining Enterprise Learning Functionality
- Creating Development Plans
- Identifying HR Renewal Learning Solution (LSO) Components

Performance and Talent Management
- Creating Performance Review Documents
- Managing Employee Talent

Enterprise Compensation Management
- Creating Compensation Budgets
- Administering Compensation Awards
- Analyzing Long-Term Incentives

- Describing SuccessFactors Integration with SAP HCM
- End-user Service Delivery
- Analyzing Self-Services

- Analyzing HCM Reports

Application Consultant
Business Analyst
Business Process Owner / Team Lead / Power User
Data Consultant / Manager
Help Desk / COE Support


SAP129 - Navigation

Course based on software release

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