HA200 SAP HANA Installing and administering

Dager: 5

Pris: 43.900

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: SAP HANA

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!

Course announcements

This course covers in detail all key capabilities of SAP HANA database system administration. Through the lectures and exercises you will learn how to install, update, and operate an SAP HANA 2.0 database using SAP HANA cockpit 2.0. The course covers the most important database administration tasks of an SAP HANA system administrator. During the course, you will learn details about starting and stopping, changing the configuration parameters, monitoring the database, backup and recovery and troubleshoot of a multitenant SAP HANA 2.0 database system.

This course will prepare you to:
Install, update, and configure an SAP HANA 2.0 database system.
Installation, update and configure of SAP HANA cockpit 2.0.
Perform the SAP HANA system administration tasks using SAP HANA cockpit 2.0 in a multitenant database environment.
Start and stop, change the configuration, backup and troubleshoot an SAP HANA 2.0 database.
Backup and recover a multitenant SAP HANA 2.0 database.


  • SAP HANA introduction
  • Installation sizing and OS preparations
  • SAP HANA installation and upgrade of a multitenant database
  • SAP HANA architecture and deployment options
  • SAP HANA cockpit 2.0 installation and configuration
  • SAP HANA Administration tools
  • Post installation steps
  • Database administration tasks using SAP HANA cockpit 2.0
  • Backup and recovery using SAP HANA cockpit 2.0
  • SAP HANA Security
  • User and authorizations

In case you need to "deep dive" on specific subjects, this course can be coherently combined with the other courses in the SAP HANA Curriculum, for example HA201 for high availability and disaster tolerance, HA215 for SAP HANA monitoring and performance tools, and HA250 for database migration.

Kursdatoer er ikke helt avklart ennå, men kontakt [email protected] for påmelding!

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
Produktansvarlig kurs