HA100 SAP HANA® – 360° Introduction

Dager: 3

Pris: 26.340

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: SAP HANA

Course announcements
This course introduces SAP HANA. Through lectures and exercises you will quickly develop a broad understanding of all key areas of SAP HANA including technology, architecture, data modeling, data management and application development. This course is an important prerequisite for many detailed, follow-on SAP HANA courses. Topics covered in this course are included in most SAP HANA certifications.


  • Describing SAP HANA
  • Technical requirements of SAP HANA
  • Data management with SAP HANA
  • Analytical processing with SAP HANA
  • Powering data warehouses with SAP HANA
  • Running SAP applications on SAP HANA
  • Developing Applications of SAP HANA
  • Monitoring SAP HANA
  • Security and data privacy with SAP HANA
  • Migration to SAP HANA

This course will prepare you to:

  • Understand the key technology of SAP HANA
  • Understand the key roles and their responsibilities in an SAP HANA project
  • Work with the various SAP HANA interfaces used by developers and administrators
  • Create a data model using SAP HANA modeling tools
  • Acquire and enrich data and load to SAP HANA
  • Build a report that runs on an SAP HANA data model
  • Get started with the application development environment

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
Produktansvarlig kurs