S4D430 Data Modelling in ABAP Dictionary and ABAP Core Data Services

Klasserom situasjon Bouvet Kurs

Dager: 4

Pris: 35,120

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: Development

Course annoncements
During this course, you will learn the basic idea of Core Data Services and how SAP implemented this concept on the ABAP stack. In these three days, you will get a deep insight into the many features by which CDS Views surpass classical ABAP Dictionary views, and you will learn to leverage the full potential of CDS when defining your own views. Particular highlights will be the extended join possibilities, calculations on database level – including currency conversions –, nested views, associations and path expressions, input parameters, and the possibility to link CDS views to authorization checks. Finally, you will get an outlook on the different scenarios for CDS view consumption.

This course will prepare you to:

  • Analyze and define views in Core Data Services ABAP (CDS ABAP)
  • Understand how CDS Views surpass ordinary database views
  • Leverage the available SQL features in CDS Views
  • Use CDS specific concepts like input parameters, associations, enhancements, implicit authorization checks and table functions
  • Know the most common use cases for CDS Views

Developer Consultant

BC400 or S4D400



  • Introduction
    - Motivating CDS Views and Understanding the Background
    - Working with ABAP Development Tools (ADT)
    - Analyzing and Using A CDS View
  • Basic SQL Features in CDS Views
    - Define a Simple CDS View
    - Creating a CDS View with Inner Join, Projection and Selection
    - Using ABAP Annotations in CDS Views
  • More SQL Features in CDS Views
    - Using SQL Expressions in CDS Views
    - Using Built-in SQL Functions in CDS Views
    - Understanding Nested Views
    - Using Aggregations in CDS Views
    - Using Additional Join Types and UNION (ALL)
  • Advanced Concepts
    - Defining CDS Views with Input Parameters
    - Building CDS Views with Associations
    - Enhancing a CDS Views
    - Linking a CDS View with Authorization Rules
  • Database Specific Features of ABAP CDS
    - Understanding CDS Table Functions
  • Consumption of CDS Views (Outlook)
    - Using a CDS View as Data Source for ALV IDA
    - Using CDS Views as Replacement Objects
    - Generating OData Services from CDS Views
    - Understanding the Consumption of CDS Views in SAP Fiori
    - Understanding Analytics Based on CDS Views
    - Understanding Virtual Data Models with CDS Views

The course is held on an SAP S/4HANA system but most of its content is generic. It is applicable for any ABAP based environment, in particular SAP S/4HANA cloud and SAP BTP, ABAP Environment.
CDS ABAP does not require a specific database. You can use all its features with any database supported by AS ABAP. The only exception is the use of CDS table functions which requires an SAP HANA database.
CDS ABAP is available as of release 7.40. Some of the concepts discussed in this course require a higher release.

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
Produktansvarlig kurs