GW100 SAP Gateway - Building OData Services

Dager: 5

Pris: 43.900

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: Development

Explore SAP Gateway architecture and deployment options Perform OData queries and operations with SAP Gateway
Define data model and implement CRUD operations
Extend SAP Gateway services and build new ones with CDS Views
Configure routing, multiple origin, and SAP Workflow support
Implement advanced OData operations and introduce OData V4
Handle security and consume OData services using SAP Web IDE


BC401 (ABAP Objects) or S4D400 (Basic ABAP Programming)

High-level understanding of web-based communication (i.e. HTTP)

SAP Gateway Overview
- SAP Gateway Architecture
- SAP Gateway Deployment Options

OData Overview
- OData and REST
- OData Operations
- OData Queries
- Consuming OData using SAP Web IDE

SAP Gateway Service Implementation
- Defining a Data Model
- Implementing Read Operations
- Implementing Navigation
- Implementing Query Options
- Implementing Change Operations

SAP Gateway Service Generation
- RFC/BOR Generator
- Search Help Generator

SAP Gateway Service Redefinition
- Redefining a Data Service
- Redefining a Gateway Service

SAP Gateway and CDS Views
- SAP Fiori Programming Model
- CDS/SADL Generator
- Data Source Reference
- CDS View Annotations

SAP Gateway Hub Functionalities
- Multiple Back-End Systems Support
- Configuring Routing Capabilities
- Multiple Origin Composition
- SAP Workflow Support

Advanced OData Options
- Implementing Function Imports
- Implementing Expand Operations
- Implementing Deep Insert Operations
- Handling ETags
- Batch Requests
- Media Links
- Offline Support
- Server Side Caching

SAP Gateway Security
- Authentication
- Data Security

SAP Gateway OData V4 Support
- OData V4 Implementation
- OData V4 Publishing

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
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