ADM100 System Administration I for SAP S/4HANA and SAP Business Suite

Dager: 5

Pris: 43.900

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: Database and Technology

Course version: 022

Course announcements
Are you responsible for the smooth operations of the SAP systems?
The course delivers fundamental knowledge you need to keep the system running. You will get acquainted with a broad spectrum of administrative activities for AS ABAP based SAP Systems. After completing this course you will be prepared to carry out administrative tasks for SAP Business Suite as well as for SAP S/4HANA, as the technological platform, AS ABAP is common for both. During these five days you will learn to start and stop SAP systems and how to configure them, how to manage users and create backups or prepare for a system-maintenance and more. Throughout the training you will work with administrative rights on the operation system as well as in the SAP system.

Explain the Architecture of SAP NetWeaver Application Server
Describe the Procedure of a System Logon (AS ABAP)
Learn about the SAP system Configuration
Describe the Architecture of Database Systems
Explain the User Administration Fundamentals
Explain the Monitoring Architecture and the troubleshooting

Technology Consultant
System Administrator
System Architect

SAPTEC SAP NetWeaver Application Server - Fundamentals
Basic knowledge of operating systems and databases


Course based on software release
SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.55
SAP S/4HANA 2020

ABAP Administration Fundamentals
- Explaining the Architecture of SAP NetWeaver Application Server
- Describing the Procedure of a System Logon (AS ABAP)
- Configuring SAP Logon
- Setting Up Logon Groups in AS ABAP
- Operating Common System Administration Tasks

SAP Start and Stop Procedures
- Describing the Start and Stop Procedure of an SAP System
- Describing the Start Process of the SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP
- Starting and Stopping SAP Systems
- Analyzing the AS ABAP Logs for a Failed System Start
- Scheduling Downtime

SAP System Configuration
- Analyzing System Profile Parameters
- Maintaining Profile Parameters
- Configuring Operation Modes

Database Fundamentals
- Describing the Architecture of Database Systems
- Operating the Central Database Administration with the DBA Cockpit
- Monitoring the Database

User Administration Fundamentals
- Creating Users and User Groups
- Maintaining Authorization Roles
- Maintaining Login Parameters and User Info
- Describing Advanced User Administration

RFC Connections
- Configuring Remote Function Calls
- Setting Up Remote Connections

Software Maintenance
- Implementing SAP Notes and Applying SAP Support Packages
- Preparing for Software Maintenance
- Operating the Support Package Manager (SPAM) and Software Update Manager (SUM)
- Applying SAP Support Packages
- Outlining SAP Enhancement Packages

Output Management
- Configuring Printers in AS ABAP
- Managing Spool Requests
- Setting Up the Printing Assistant for Landscapes (PAL)

Background Processing
- Administrating Background Jobs
- Scheduling Time-Based Jobs
- Scheduling Event-Based Jobs
- Using Special Functions in Background Processing
- Scheduling Jobs with the Work Center in SAP Solution Manager

System Monitoring and Troubleshooting
- Explaining the Monitoring Architecture
- Monitoring SAP Systems
- Monitoring with SAP Solution Manager
- Troubleshooting with Traces and Protocols
- Developing a Troubleshooting Procedure

This course is suited for SAP systems based on AS ABAP 7.5 and below, such as SAP S/4HANA, SAP ERP 6.0 Enhancement Package 8 and below

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
Produktansvarlig kurs