MSP® Foundation, e-læring

Managing Successful Programmes is a framework for successfully delivering large-scale, transformational change through a dossier of related projects and related activities. It is proven best-practice programme management that helps to make change ‘stick’.

Pris: 10500 inkl. e-bok, eksamensvoucher og sertifiseringsgaranti*

Kurskategori: Prosjektledelse

This elearning will help prepare you for the MSP 5th Edition Foundation examination. The examination is intended to assess whether you can demonstrate sufficient recall and understanding of the MSP programme management framework.

This course is expected to take approximately 18 hours.


All MSP®Foundation Online courses on this page are offered by ILX Group an ATO of AXELOS Limited.

MSP® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

Learning objectives

By the end of this learning, you should:

  • Understand key concepts relating to programmes and MSP
  • Understand how the MSP principles underpin the MSP framework
  • Understand the MSP themes and how they are applied throughout the programme
  • Understand the MSP processes and how they are carried out throughout the programme

What's covered?

  • Introduction and key concepts
  • MSP principles
  • MSP themes – Introduction and organization theme
  • MSP themes – Design theme
  • MSP themes – Justification theme
  • MSP themes – Structure theme
  • MSP themes – Knowledge theme
  • MSP themes – Assurance theme
  • MSP themes – Decision theme
  • MSP processes
  • Exam simulator

What's included?

This course includes the following:

  • 12 months online access to our accredited MSP 5th Edition Foundation learning
  • The cost of the MSP 5th Edition Foundation examination (must be taken online via remote proctor within 12 months of purchase)
  • The official MSP manual (digital)  
  • MSP Foundation exam simulator
  • MSP process map (digital)
  • Optional extras
  • Official MSP manual (hardcopy)

Take2 exam insurance – A cost effective solution, providing insurance and peace of mind if things don’t go to plan with your first exam attempt. 


Digital official manual: You will be sent an email invitation within 48 hours of your purchase to register on the Peoplecert portal. Once registered you will be able to access the digital version of your manual. Please note: There is a 5-year limitation in accessing your eBook.

Hardcopy official manual: If you decide to purchase the hardcopy official manual as an optional extra your manual will be shipped to your chosen address within 48 hours of purchase.

Exam information

Exams are taken online via remote proctor. You will be sent an email invitation within 48 hours of your purchase to register on the Peoplecert portal. Once registered you will be able to book your online exam at a date and time of your choice. You are responsible for booking your own exam. For more information about how to take your exam and the technical requirements, please click here.

Recertification: This certification has a renew within three years of the award date to remain current. There are multiple ways to recertify, more information regarding the options can be found here.

Exam format

  • 60 minutes
  • Multiple choice
  • 60 questions
  • 60% pass mark (36/60)
  • Closed book

Please note: If your native language is different from the exam language you receive 25% more time to complete your exam. 

Target audience

This learning would be suitable for:

  • Programme managers and aspiring programme managers
  • Project managers/senior project managers
  • Business change managers
  • Other key staff involved in the design, development and delivery of projects, including project board members (e.g. executive), project assurance, and project support
  • Operational line managers/staff (e.g. process owners) operating within a programme environment
  • Portfolio management staff
  • Specialist programme staff


There are no formal prerequisites for the MSP 5th Edition Foundation qualification.

*Sertifiseringsgaranti - består du ikke første forsøk på eksamen er andre forsøk inkludert i kursavgiften.

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
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