AI-3002 Create document intelligence solutions with Azure AI document intelligence

Dager: 1

Pris: 9900

Kurskategori: Microsoft

Underkategori: Microsoft Azure

In this learning path, you'll see how Azure AI Document Intelligence solutions can enable you to capture data from typed or hand-written forms. You'll also learn how to build a solution for your custom form types and integrate that solution into an Azure Cognitive Search pipeline. You'll learn how to:

  • Design a solution that analyzes your business forms by using Azure AI Document Intelligence.
  • Create a solution that analyzes common documents by using Document Intelligence.
  • Create a solution that analyses different custom form types by using Document Intelligence.
  • Include an Azure AI Document Intelligence service as a custom skill in an Azure Cognitive Search pipeline.



Module 1 Plan an Azure AI Document Intelligence solution

Learn how to use Azure AI Document Intelligence to build solutions that analyze forms and output data for storage or further processing.

  • Describe the components of an Azure AI Document Intelligence solution.
  • Create and connect to Azure AI Document Intelligence resources in Azure.
  • Choose whether to use a prebuilt, custom, or composed model.

Module 2 Use prebuilt Form Recognizer models

Learn what data you can analyze by choosing prebuilt Forms Analyzer models and how to deploy these models in a Form Analyzer solution.

  • Identify business problems that you can solve by using prebuilt models in Forms Analyzer.
  • Analyze forms by using the General Document, Read, and Layout models.
  • Analyze forms by using financial, ID, and tax prebuilt models.

Module 3 Extract data from forms with Azure Document Intelligence

Azure Document Intelligence uses machine learning technology to identify and extract key-value pairs and table data from form documents with accuracy, at scale. This module teaches you how to use the Azure Document Intelligence Azure AI service.

  • Identify how Document intelligence's layout service, prebuilt models, and custom models can automate processes.
  • Use Document intelligence's capabilities with SDKs, REST API, and Document Intelligence Studio.
  • Develop and test custom models.

Module 4 Create a composed Form Recognizer model

Learn how to assemble custom models into composed solutions that can analyze different types of your own documents.

  • Describe business problems that you would use custom models and composed models to solve.
  • Train a custom model to obtain data from forms with unusual structures.
  • Create a composed model that can analyze forms in multiple formats.

Module 5 Build a Document Intelligence custom skill for Azure AI Search

Learn how to use an Azure Document Intelligence solution as a custom skill to enrich content in an Azure AI Search pipeline.

  • Describe how a custom skill can enrich content passed through an Azure AI Search pipeline.
  • Build a custom skill that calls an Azure Forms Analyzer solution to obtain data from forms.

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