DP-602 Implement a Data warehouse with Microsoft Fabric

Dager: 1

Pris: 9900

Kurskategori: Microsoft

Explore the data warehousing process and learn how to load, monitor, and query a warehouse in Microsoft Fabric.

Target audience:

Students wishing to Implement a data warehouse with Microsoft Fabric.


Students will learn to,

  • Get started with data warehouses in Microsoft Fabric
  • Load data into a Microsoft Fabric data warehouse
  • Query a data warehouse in Microsoft Fabric
  • Monitor a Microsoft Fabric data warehouse



Module 1: Get started with data warehouses in Microsoft Fabric

  • Describe data warehouses in Fabric
  • Understand a data warehouse vs a data Lakehouse
  • Work with data warehouses in Fabric
  • Create and manage fact tables and dimensions within a data warehouse

Module 2: Load data into a Microsoft Fabric data warehouse

  • Learn different strategies to load data into a data warehouse in Microsoft Fabric.
  • Learn how to build a data pipeline to load a warehouse in Microsoft Fabric.
  • Learn how to load data in a warehouse using T-SQL.
  • Learn how to load and transform data with dataflow (Gen 2).

Module 3: Query a data warehouse in Microsoft Fabric

  • Use SQL query editor to query a data warehouse.
  • Explore how visual query editor works.
  • Learn how to connect and query a data warehouse using SQL Server Management Studio.

Module 4: Monitor a Microsoft Fabric data warehouse

  • Monitor capacity unit usage with the Microsoft Fabric Capacity Metrics app.
  • Monitor current activity in the data warehouse with dynamic management views.
  • Monitor querying trends with query insights views.

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
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